“I should do this.” “I will do this when…” “I just need to finish… and then I will.” These are all valid reasons to not start/complete a task, set a new goal, or try something new. You’re probably thinking that I will tell you to stop having these thoughts. NOPE! I want you to have these thoughts. I want you to sit with these thoughts. I want you to get up close and personal with these thoughts. These thoughts are messages. As we begin a journey of curiosity when begin to find the root cause of some of our thoughts and behaviors. EVERY BEHAVIOR HAS A PURPOSE. You being stuck has a purpose. You're meeting a need within yourself. You may not be moving in any direction at this moment and that is okay. Ask yourself a few questions?
1. Am I focusing on what I want or what I fear?
2. How is my current behavior keeping me safe?
3. What can help me to accept where I am and let go of thoughts of where I think I should be?
Right now, I don’t want you to do anything but sit with these questions until you believe you have the answer and allow your heart to guide you forward. If you choose not to move, that’s okay as well, maybe there is more for you to uncover and process. Perhaps your choice will lead you in a completely different direction than you anticipated. Perhaps your dreams were never your dreams but the dreams of your family.Perhaps mental and emotional safety is more important than a career or education. Just, perhaps.